Friday, August 31, 2007

Extended Family

We were treated to dinner by Aim's Aunt Gail and Uncle Mark. It was very nice we went to Chaise lounge, lots of laughs! Amy's sister Angie who I call Kitt and her boyfriend Mike came too. Angie is called Kitt cause of the movie "A League of Their Own" the tag along sister. AJ and I watched this movie alot....Cause of Madonna, he loved her back in the day! Cubs lost today 6 to 1 to the Astros still in first place by 1 and 1/2 games!

Well... She's still perfect

This is so funny! Aim and I gave Isella a Bears Cheer leading out fit, Then Wendy's brother Erin photo -shopped it. We don't really care (I'll be deleting this picture at midnight Chicago time so laugh it up). We were planning on moving anyways so no big deal.

Just Kidding, That looks so real , nice job Erin! I have to admit I truly love Blogging. I feel so connected with my extended family, It's fun.

As for people making negative comments Please refrain from profane and offensive comments. We made this up so that mainly our family can keep up with our life. Which means both sides of our family can view peoples comments. THINK BEFORE YOU COMMENT--
---Thanks and remember... Luigi is watching you---

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Here are some pics of me and my boys Cece left, and Billy right of you, at a recent game. They will both be Groomsmen in the wedding. Cubs are in first place! Bears lost to the Browns but no big deal, it's still pre-season. Cubs host the Houston Astros for a 3 game series over the weekend-- We may hit up a roof top game Saturday--

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

After our short trip to see some family, we have returned to Chi-town. Aim and I were on the phone with people the entire drive home catching up on business issues. Luigi was especially excited to see us, tail wagging and heavy breathing when we walked in the place lets us know he missed us(Thank God for Kitt watching him). Lots to do work wise the next two days, but Then three day weekend--Its a great time of the year--The Cubbies are in 1st place 1 game and a 1/2 in front of the Brewers and the Bears are playing at home Thursday night against the Cleveland Browns, it's gooooooood to be home.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

She's a sucka for words!

Aim and I just got back to our hotel, We met with Brian Rhen at PCC for our first premarital counseling session. We were very surprised and humbled by the experience. Brian walked us through several aspects of having a successful marriage and relationship.
The part that stuck out to Aim and I was the ways you liked to be loved, there were five different ways (with a sweet anagram, sounds like our family radio station) WQGAP: Words, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. We found that Amy enjoys to be loved on with words(good thing I started Blogging) and quality time. This was interesting to me cause I had no clue. But now that we have had this float to the surface I intend to capitalize on them to make my Fiancee as happy as can be--Our thanks go out to Big Bro AJ for setting this up. We intend to continue our counseling when we return ti Chi-t0wn.

IN THE BEGINNING (there was our first blog)

Amy and I have been engaged now for just under 4 weeks-- Today we are going to our first pre-marital counseling session! We are in Redwood City ,California, visiting the "West Coast Gapps" My brother AJ, his wife Wendy and the bambino Isella. AJ has arranged for Aim and I to meet with a colleague of his today at PCC(peninsula covenant church). We are very excited to be engaged and we want to take every step to having a healthy and meaningful relationship.