Saturday, November 10, 2007


Today my brother and sister-in-law are having a dedication for my niece Isella. Since we could not be there for it, we will participate via the Internet. Here is the e-mail they sent us for prayer request for Isella-Technology Buddy--

Isella to God!

Today 11/11/07 we will gather our friends and family (virtually and physically) to pray and dedicate Isella to God. Although we do this every day ( her name comes from a meaning "Consecrated to God), we wanted a time like what was typical of babies in the New Testament. Jesus was dedicated in the Temple and prayed over by Mary and Joseph and others came over and prayed over him, too. Today we will pray over Isella and ask God to work and bless her life. Everyone who comes is getting a prayer card with this on it. (Chicago Fam--We thought you could have the same info so you would feel part of the dedication, too!)

Pray for Isella :

-To know God as her Father and Jesus as Savior and that she would desire a close relationship with God early and throughout her life (Mark 10:13-16, Luke 2:52, 2 Tim 3:15).

-To develop a commitment to prayer and time in God's word. (Joshua 1:8, Daniel 6:10, Matthew 4:4, Philippians 4:6-7).

-To have godly friends and mentors in her life to help her grow in holy living (Psalm 1:1-3, Philippians 1:17, Proverbs 27:17).

-To be protected from the evil one, harmful people, & emotional, spiritual, and physical danger (Psalm 28:7-9, Psalm 41, John 17:15; 2 Thess 3:3).

-To see others as God sees them treating all with love and kindness. To have a heart for the least. (Matt 25:35-40, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:1-5).

-To sense God's calling on her life and live in her giftedness. Pray for her to understand what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made; for her to blossom into beautiful womanhood (Psalm 139, 78:1-8, 103:12-18, 2 Tim 1:9).

-To be kept pure and be strengthened against temptation. Pray for discernment in her choices. Pray for her to be an obedient child and live as God wants her to live (1 Kings 3:11-12, 1 Tim 1:5).

-To understand her need for forgiveness and to freely forgive others. To live like Jesus did (Ephesians 4:2, 1 John ).

-To receive provision for her and our family's needs

(Phil 4:19).

-To love God and love others. To have strong family connections.

(Matt 22: 38-39).

Pray these for yourselves, our family, and us as parents!
THANKS!! Love AJ and Wendy

God Loves You

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