Sunday, February 3, 2008

BIG win

Aim and I weren't really sure what we were doin for the Super-Bowl even at 4:45pm. (I was fine with chillin on the couch, but that really is boring) So we decided to walk up to Moonshine... A short walk to see friendly faces as always. When we got there, Johnny the owner, said that there were still some squares left for the "pool". So we payed $20.00 for 2 squares and sat and ate and had a great time. Just her and I..(again she is a sports fan so I am lucky, she was up for it)

Aim and I are Bears fans lets be honest...Which means we were used to routin for the underdogs! We really were'nt even payin attention to the squares.. We were exctied that the Giants may win.. End of the game, Johnny brings the board to the table... He says
"You won with the the last numbers!" $400.00 Aim and I had a nice laugh on that cause we were thinkin about stayin home! It was a nice surprise and they let us keep the board too!

She is my good luck charm-CHA-CHING!

1 comment:

THE GTEAM said...

a little extra to go for the wedding bill! nice.