Saturday, April 5, 2008

Not up Aim's alley

Friday and Saturday night Aim and I rented a couple flicks and stayed in... First we watched the Darjeeling Limited-

Three American brothers who have not spoken to each other in a year set off on a train voyage across India with a plan to find themselves and bond with each other -- to become brothers again like they used to be. It was very slow but I thought funny in a dry sense.. Aim gave it 2 very big thumbs down. If you enjoyed the movie Rushmore(which i loved) you will truly enjoy this one.

Saturday we watched The Southland Tales... This movie was awesome! If you like Sci-Fi this movie is perfect. Again Aim.. not a fan, she zonked out in the beginning. But
I stayed up and watched it. Southland Tales is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic Los Angeles on July 4, 2008,(which is sweet cause that is the near future) after there is a nuclear strike in the states. The movie juggles social, economic and environmental disaster with clones and 4th dimensional worm holes. If you saw Donnie Darko this one is similar with twists and turns only better- I loved it-Popps this one does not suck-

Although Aim did not enjoy these.... I recall sitting through "Dan in real life", and "No Reservations" in the theatre... I was due-

Are you kidding me?

1 comment:

THE GTEAM said...

I loved Dan in Real Life! Aim, I'm with you.