Sunday, December 2, 2007

Making the Rounds -Again-

Saturday night Aim and I went to the Bulls game. The Bulls are having a rough start to their season... their record is 4-14 NOT GOOD! But Aim was given the tickets and she has not been to a game yet this season. We played the Charlotte Bobcats... And the Bulls Won! Nice! I love that Aim is a sports fan. The fact that she likes basketball and football enables us to spend more time together.

Jump Ball!

Nose bleed seats...But free-

Benny the Bull took flight and dropped t-shirts on the crowd.

After the game Aim and I were invited to a holiday party. Our friends Andrea and Eileen were throwing a shin-dig. They live near us in Bucktown, so we swung by there for a bit. A bit turned out to be 3 hours because alot of our friends were there and the time was flyin cause we were havin fun-

Aim and Andrea

YES she is that hot. How grossed out does she look?

Aim with Cece and Eileen.

Billy went to the dentist and got the gap in his front teeth fixed. He was all smiles tonight. And as promised I told Billy I would put this as the caption to this picture on the blog:
Billy got his grill fixed.
About 10:30 p.m. I was ready to call it a night. Aim and Our friends wanted us to stay longer and play some board games. So we did and I was no good during the games so my team had to carry me through the motions. Teamwork-

Aim did a great job of hanging X-mas lights over the mantle. When we got home we found that it did not last. They stayed up for a total of 4 hours.


THE GTEAM said...

So glad for you that Amy is a sports fan! I didn't even know there was a team called the Charlotte Bobcats.

Anonymous said...

Good job DJ! That's my girl! I can't wait to be home!!! The countdown is on. (We are filling this thing up with some picture when we get there!)

THE GTEAM said...

trying to translate the Italian??

(di) Risalta--I don't know that word-

something about often living well/good and loving a lot..


Anonymous said...

Gapp,Not only is she a sports fan, my son to be, she can PLAY!!!! Guess what you are going to be doing Christmas Day? GO DUKES!!!!