Saturday, January 5, 2008

Dinner at the movies

Saturday Aim and I took a ride to the Rosemont Muvico. Muvico is a giant movie theatre that was just built. The thing that is so special is that Muvico has designed the place as a throw back to old style theatres(with new style pricing).
They have a balcony section called Premiere which is all rocking love seats. It was super nice they have a host who escorts you to your seats, giant fabric arms/end tables on either side of the seats. You can eat dinner while you're watching the show. The cost for each ticket was $15.00 but that was with free popcorn and parking so not bad-

The concessions stand had everything from red wine to gourmet calamari-
Aim and I had turkey burgers which were very tasty

We saw Juno which was a funny but unrealistic after school special meets artsy independence with offsetting comic relief. I thought that it would have been a great rental-

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