Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thats a spicy Meat-a-ball!!

Saturday night Aim and I went out tho Daryl and Jerris' for dinner. What was on the menu??? Only my absolute favorite.... Rosemary and Meatballs!!! Great dinner and even better family time.

Cooper wanted to show us all his Halloween costume. So he ran into the living room and showed us it, and what he has been learning in Gymnastics.

Then he showed us the scorpion and we were crying!!

Uncle Bob and Gavin play the WII bowling and Uncle Bob beats every one... Hilarious!

Fresh Rosemary with a Basil sauce simmered for days and enjoyed by our family for generations!! Now ya see it!!

Now ya don't! MMMMMMMMMMMM- Delicious!

It kinda reminded me of old times by Grandmas... But nobody was rubbing the railings.

Popps never missing a chance to be funny.. Runs in the family I guess


Life at the Round Table said...

I am so excited you are back....to blogging that is....woot-woot! Man I could almost taste that Rosemary...yea....those were the days!

Tony's 2 Cents said...

yum..miss the food! and yes, it's good to have you back to the blog world.
